
We provide a simple structured sidebar component for most generic use cases, which can be configured by an array. If you need a more customisable sidebar then read below on how to create your own.

preview of the sidebar component.


By default the Maelstrom sidebar component looks for a global sidebar variable called $maelstrom_sidebar.

You can easily define this by using Laravel's View::share() method. You can place this in the boot method of something like your AppServiceProvider.php.

The sidebar array structure follows that of:

$sidebar = [
        'type' => 'link',
        'id' => 'unique_id_of_item',
        'label' => 'This is what the menu item says.',
        'url' => 'This is where the link goes to',
        'icon' => 'An optional icon', // Anything from "outlined" collection
        'type' => 'link',
        'id' => 'unique_id_of_item',
        'label' => 'This is what the menu item says.',
        'url' => 'This is where the link goes to',
        'icon' => 'An optional icon', // Anything from "outlined" collection

You could globally share the above sidebar using

public function boot()
    View::share('maelstrom_sidebar', [
            'type' => 'Link',
            'id' => 'unique_id_of_item',
            'label' => 'This is what the menu item says.',
            'url' => 'This is where the link goes to',
            'icon' => 'An optional icon', // Anything from "outlined" collection
            'type' => 'Link',
            'id' => 'unique_id_of_item',
            'label' => 'This is what the menu item says.',
            'url' => 'This is where the link goes to',
            'icon' => 'An optional icon', // Anything from "outlined" collection

We use the Menu component provided by Ant Design which means we also have access to other types such as...

  • Link
  • Group
  • SubMenu
  • HTML
  • Divider
  • Custom

A link can be nested at any level of your menu and takes the following options...

Property Description Example
id A unique ID of the menu item users
label The text to display Users
url The href value /admin/users
icon An optional icon from Ant Icons "outlined" collection user


A group of other menu items

Property Description Example
id A unique ID of the menu item user_group
label The text to display Users
children An array of other menu items []

A group of other menu items which can be collapsed

Property Description Example
id A unique ID of the menu item user_menu
label The text to display Users
icon An optional icon from Ant Icons "outlined" collection user
children An array of other menu items []


Add some custom HTML into a menu item.

Property Description Example
id A unique ID of the menu item custom_html
html HTML to render Some HTML


Adds a single divider between items

Property Description Example
id A unique ID of the menu item my_divider


You can also render custom React components, anything which has been imported into the Component Registry will be available.

Any properties you pass in will be set as props on the component.

Property Description Example
id A unique ID of the menu item custom_item
component The name of the React component that has been registered QuickJumpBar

Using Your Own Sidebar

If what we've provided doesn't meet your requirements, you can create your own sidebar.

You just need to create a blade file which will get loaded instead of our sidebar.

We use the normal Laravel waterfall views which means our sidebar which is located in...


to overwrite it you must create a...
