
By default you're able to use text searches on the immediate model by using a simple LIKE query e.g. LIKE %keyword%.

This means you cannot search on (without a custom search handler):

  • Relationships
  • Accessors


Preview of search


To mark a column as searchable, set the searchable property to true e.g.

$columns = [[
    'label' => 'Post Name',
    'name' => 'name',
    'searchable' => true,

Custom Search Logic

If you need more than the basic LIKE searches then you can easily define a custom search handler, which works the same as the filter handler with setSearchHandler()

public function __construct()
    $this->panel->setSearchHandler(function ($search, $queryBuilder, $filters, $request) {
        return PageService::search($search, $queryBuilder);

class PageService
    public static function search($search, $query)
        if ($search->column === 'category') {
            $query->whereHas('categories', function ($q) use ($search) {
                $q->where('name', 'like', "%$search->query%")

As long as you add your constraints to the $query you can implement this however you see fit.

Custom Handlers on Classes

If you're extending the Maelstrom\Panel::class then instead of using the API to define handlers you can define this methods directly on the class e.g.

class PagePanel extends Panel
    public function searchHandler()
        // ...

Laravel Scout

If you want to use Laravel Scout instead, then simply follow the above instructions to create your own search handler which utilises scout.